So for the first time I have multiple copies of the same inserts. I had to work today so I just bought my 2 Detroit Free Press at Kroger for $1.50 each. Plus we get one delivered that I don't pay for. So I've got 3 Smart Source and 3 Red Plum for 5/26
Thanks to a tip on a forum I learned that VG's has double coupons up to $1 and you can use 3 like. This will save me a ton of gas and planning since its 5 minutes or 2 miles to get to rather than the 24 mile round trip to other $1 doublers with policies I'm not sure of yet. If I get enough matchups I'll go check em out this week.
A blog about using coupons. My thoughts, plans, organizing, shopping trips, and related.
About Me

- PurpleBubba
- Disco, MI, United States
- Hello and thank you for reading. I am Robert from Michigan. In 2000 - 01 I left a gear shop job to pursue a Cosmetology License. I attended 800 of 1500 hours but because of not being able to find a job and attempting to pay my own way and other personal issues with being shy and such I could not finish. Its now years later and I am purging myself of all the issues that held me back before. I am not letting fear, anger, regret, or other negativity keep me from getting that licnese and then going on to make people happy with my ability to help with not just their outer beauty but how they feel on the inside. I want to finish this time and go on from there to maybe teach, own a salon, or apply myself to something I haven't thought of yet. But I need to finish. So I'm starting a blog just like I did last time. And I'm going to share the past, present, and hopefully future here. I am now a student once again at Regency Beauty Institute - Shelby Township, MI aka Lakeside Campus. Thank you again for being here and reading. ~ Wishing You No Tangles ~ Robert / PurpleBubba
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